Impaired Driving Lawyer Regina

Schedule a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.

Impaired Driving Charge

An Over 80/.08 charge is different from an "impaired driving" charge but is often charged together. Having a blood-alcohol level of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood will place you "Over the Legal Alcohol Limit."

Police are permitted to demand samples of breath or blood should they believe you are impaired, or the person's alcohol level exceeds the legal limit. These tests are to detect the presence and quantity of alcohol or drugs in your blood.

First conviction:
-Readings of 80mg to 110mg of alcohol are fined at least $1000;
-Readings of 120mg to 150mg of alcohol are fined at least $1500;
-Readings of 160mg or over of alcohol are fined at least $2000; and
-Minimum 1-year driving prohibition, with immediate eligibility for Ignition Interlock (blow box)

Second conviction:
-Minimum 30-day jail sentence; and
-Minimum 2-year driving prohibition, with three-month ineligibility for -Ignition Interlock (blow box)
-Third conviction or more:
-Minimum 120-day jail sentence; and
-Minimum 3-year driving prohibition, with six-month ineligibility for Ignition Interlock (blow box)

We can explore your options with you at your free, no-commitment consultation.