Intimidation of Justice System Participants Offences
The offence of the Intimidation of Justice System Participants or Journalists is made out if you do anything intending to discourage or impede a justice system participant in executing their duties. This legislation exists to maintain the integrity of the justice system and ensure those involved are protected from outside threats or pressure.
The definition of “justice system participant” includes:
-Judges and Justices
-Members or potential members of a jury
-Confidential informants
-Peace officers or any members of a police force
-Anyone employed in court administration.
Intimidation of Justice System Participants Charge
This offence is treated seriously by the police and prosecutors. The charge is also complex, with many different elements that the Crown must prove.
We will work to ensure that you are represented earnestly at the hearing and ensure that any punishment goes no further than what is necessary. Inappropriate cases, we may be able to negotiate a plea to a less severe charge to help you avoid a conviction for this grave crime.